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24-05-22 regulatory

Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Beijer Ref on 22 May 2024

The extraordinary general meeting of Beijer Ref AB (publ) today made the following resolutions.

Repurchase of call options in LTIP 2021/2024

The meeting resolved in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal to offer to repurchase all 1,623,600 call options in LTIP 2021/2024 as of 10 June 2024 at a price per option that corresponds to the volume-weighted average price of the share during the period of 31 May – 7 June 2024 according to Nasdaq Stockholm’s official price list minus the exercise price, subject to the condition that the participant shall acquire shares in Beijer Ref for the proceeds received net after tax. The call options have an exercise price of SEK 150.40 per share and may be exercised during the period 1-14 June 2024.

The purpose of the repurchase of the call options is to facilitate for employees to realise the potential value of the options and thereby also, among other things, facilitate participation in future incentive programs. Previously repurchased shares remain for hedging of remaining and future incentive programs.

Minutes with complete resolutions from the meeting will be made available on the company’s website, no later than 5 June 2024.

For more information, please contact:
Joel Davidsson
Telephone +46 40-35 89 00

Niklas Willstrand
Director of Global Communications

Telephone +46 40-35 89 00

BEIJER REF AB is a technology-oriented trading Group which, through added-value products, offers its customers competitive solutions within refrigeration and climate control. Beijer Ref is one of the largest refrigeration wholesalers in the world, and is represented in 45 countries in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia and Oceania. Website: