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Beijer Ref as investment

Beijer Ref creates long-term shareholder value. By making continuous acquisitions and conducting active ownership of our more than >150subsidiaries, our goal is to drive growth and continuous earnings improvement

Over the years, the Beijer Ref share has proven to be a good investment that has generated a higher return than the index on Nasdaq and the company has distributed more than 30 percent of the annual profit.

Three good reasons to own shares in Beijer Ref:

1. Growing market and technology shift

The market is growing, and favourable external conditions have a positive effect on the company. The business is relatively insensitive to economic fluctuations because most of the end products are intended for the food industry. A growing population and an increasingly prosperous middle class also increase the demand for Beijer Ref’s comfort cooling products.

Beijer Ref has the ambition to grow in both new and existing markets. There are still several geographical markets where the group is not represented today, but which may be possible in the future.

The market is also undergoing a technology shift, where end customers are converting to more environmentally-friendly alternatives for regulatory reasons. Beijer Ref is well positioned and has alternatives based on future green products, compared to the present system that is driven by refrigerants that have a negative environmental impact.

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2. Clear focus

Beijer Ref focuses on doing what the company is good at: delivering refrigeration and HVAC products. The company has a strong corporate culture. Entrepreneurship has always been one of Beijer Refs ‘ strengths and throughout the company’s history the group has expanded its business through acquisitions. This has resulted in employees always focusing on developing the business by combining the best practices from each company to create something even stronger.

Beijer Refs’s business concept is that the group companies worldwide have a common strategy and mission and also conduct their business with continuity. Internal coordination benefits in purchasing and logistics can always be developed further. The group’s large distribution network with over >500 branches in 45 countries worldwide is being coordinated today at a level that creates synergies.

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3. Stable development

Beijer Ref is one of the world’s largest refrigeration wholesalers. Over time, the share has generated returns above the index on NASDAQ and the company has distributed more than 30 percent of the annual profit. This has been made possible by a strong balance sheet and a stable group of owners.